Phimeca – The Responsible Engineering
- At Phimeca, we believe that developing innovative engineering methods is the key to minimizing the environmental impact of human activities (energy, transport, building…), would it be to optimize maintenance operations, to extend an infrastructure lifespan when possible, to reduce the fuel consumption or increase batteries lifespan, etc…;
- At Phimeca, we believe that a company success lies upon its staff members’ fulfilment;
- At Phimeca, we believe that a company cannot move forward without involving into its ecosystem: we train engineers and doctors of tomorrow, participate in the liveliness of centres of excellence, etc…
Our calling
Phimeca is an engineering company, founded in Clermont-Ferrand in 2001. Phimeca’s calling is to contribute to the design and maintenance of robust and reliable systems for its customers.
In this perspective, Phimeca assists its clients with:
- Mechanical calculations and design;
- Uncertainty management & data sciences to evaluate the robustness and the reliability;
- Software products development, whether off-the-shelf or custom-made.

A large number of customers
The variety of our customers is the proof that the application of advanced methods to concrete industrial methods is the basis of Phimeca’s activity.2019 Phimeca’s Key Figures
- Staff: 30 employees
- Average age: 32 yo
- Turnover: €1,8 Million (excluding R&d)
- Locations: 4 (Clermont-Ferrand, Paris, Lyon, Annecy)
Key dates
- 2001: Creation of Phimeca by M. Pendola (CEO) and M. Lemaire (Scientific Advisor)
- 2009: Opening of Paris office
- 2018: Takeover of Phimeca by its employees and Opening of Lyon office
- 2019: Opening of Annecy Office and Phimeca now counts more than 30 employees
2018 – A New Lease of Life for Phimeca
Since June 2018, Phimeca has officially started a new stage of development. The founders of the society transferred their shares to a new team: Thierry YALAMAS, Associated director then, CEO now, setec, one of the most important French engineering group and several members of Phimeca’s management.
A closer look on the shareholders
Thierry YALAMAS (75% of the capital): Holder of a master’s then a DEA in civil engineering from ENS Cachan, a doctorate from the École National des Ponts et Chaussées, he completed his training with a general management diploma from ESCP Europe. He started as a consultant at Phimeca in 2005, then Business Development Manager, Business Unit Manager and finally Associated Director since 2014.
SETEC (10% of the capital): The setec group is one of the largest French multidisciplinary engineering groups. The emblematic projects in which setec has participated count: the Channel tunnel, the Louis Vuitton foundation, the Millau viaduct, the high-speed lines, the Ryad metro…
Founded in 1957, the setec group achieves a turnover of €254 million and employs 2400 associates over twenty countries around the world. Note that setec is an independent group, owned by its employees like Phimeca now.
This involvement of the setec group in the capital of Phimeca will promote the development of technical and commercial synergies, in particular in the railroad (network maintenance) and nuclear sectors.
Phimeca’s shareholders employees: Being confident and committed to the new Phimeca project, several “Phimechanics” decided to take part by becoming shareholders of their society.
- Guillaume CAUSSE: Manager of the Pays de Savoie agency
- Céline DEVEMY: Leader of the calculation team in Cournon
- Antoine DUMAS: Leader of the reliability and uncertainty team in Cournon
- Sylvain GIRARD: Leader of the reliability and uncertainty team in Paris
- Karina MACOCCO: Leader of the simulation team in Paris.
Our patners
Several partners felt confident about the Phimeca takeover project and decided to support it financially. The project notably obtained the support of the JEREMIE AUVERGNE 2 device, piloted by SOFIMAC Partners and financed by the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Region and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)
As the project leader, Thierry YALAMAS was also supported in this project by the Réseau Entreprendre Auvergne and Initiative Clermont Métropole.

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