We are at the service of our customers’ innovations
Phimeca has developed a strong corporate culture around research and innovation. Our teams easily participate in any kind of development projects for our customers: product, method or tool. Depending on the case, it can either be in the form of services or as long-term partnerships, and may result in scientific or technical publications.
Customer Innovation
Reliability of natural gas pipelines

The improvement of the data measurement and storage means makes it possible to consider the inspection of the pipes from the inside using a robot specially designed by GRTgaz. But it is also necessary to process the measured data and make their analysis accessible in order to estimate a residual lifespan. Phimeca supported GRTgaz for the development of a suitable business tool.
EcoDART Design

In the METIS project context (Multiphysics Exploration Technology Integrated System), TOTAL R&D is developing seismic receivers, called DART (Downfall Air Receiver Technology). DARTs, dropped from the air, are used to perform seismic surveys in hardly accessible locations, such as tropical forests. Phimeca supported Total by implementing a Finite-Element Model of the dynamic behaviour to select the adapted biodegradable materials.
Seismic brittleness curves

Widely used in the nuclear field as part of probabilistic safety studies, floor spectra and brittleness curves are not easy to calculate. To help engineers in their task, Phimeca, in partnership with EDF R&D, has chosen to develop a specific business tool.
Atmospheric dispersion of pollutants

Decision-making when faced with the release of hazardous or polluting substances into the atmosphere is increasingly based on numerical simulation. Taking into account the uncertainties on the source term and on the weather allows decision-makers to assess a level of risk. Phimeca supports the CEA and IRSN teams in the development of adapted methods and tools.
ANR and European Projects
Phimeca has always been involved in research projects, approaching the issues addressed from the angle of uncertainties and applied mathematics. Phimeca participates in particular in projects:
- INFRASTAR : Innovative and Networking for Fatigue and Reliability Analysis of Structures – Training for Assessment of Risk ;
- JOIN’EM : JOINing of copper to aluminium by ElectroMagnetic fields ;
- FETUS : Study of the influence of emitted mobile phone waves on pregnant women;
- ActiSurTT : Active devices for the security of vehicles in an off-road environment;
- UFO : Quantification of the uncertainties for the CFD and the optimisation;
- SICODYN : for reliable SImulations via the computation-test COrrelation and the estimation of uncertainties in DYNamics of structures;
- APPRoFi : Mechanical probabilistic approach for robust fatigue design;
- SIGMA : Seismic Ground Motion Assessment ;
- EvaDéOS : Non-destructive evaluation for the prediction of the degradation of structures and the optimization of their monitoring;
- Long Life Bridges : Bridges Reliability;
- METEO-MARKETING : Optimisation of digital advertising campaigns based on machine learning using weather data;
- STAM : Services and Tools for Advanced Metrology Demo.
These projects are cofunded by:
Internal Growth
A large part of the research at Phimeca is devoted to the capitalization of knowledge through digital methods and tools. In collaboration with EDF R&D, Airbus, ONERA and IMACS, Phimeca participates in particular in the development of OpenTURNS, a digital library for handling uncertainties in engineering.
Historically founded on the basis of research work, Phimeca has managed to maintain significant R&D activity. With several doctoral theses in Mechanical Engineering (most often in collaboration with Blaise Pascal University, Sigma and the Pascal Institute), Phimeca is positioned as a main player in the transfer of skills from research to industry.
To find out more, find all of our publications on our ResearchGate page.

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